How to adjust the phase-contrast microscope condenser for proper vision

HOW TO ADJUST THE PHASE-CONTRAST MICROSCOPE CONDENSER FOR PROPER VISION ALIENATION OF THE CONDENSER To make a good alienation of the optics of a phase-contrast microscope we have to follow the next steps. 1.- Turn on the microscope light and set it to maximum power. 2.- Raise the condenser to the maximum possible (Be careful! […]


Phase-contrast Microscope

Phase-contrast microscope Live cells can be clearly observed under a phase-contrast or interference phase-contrast microscope. The possibility that some cell components may be lost or distorted during sample preparation has not ceased to worry microscopy specialists. The only solution to this problem is to examine the cells while they are still alive, without any fixation […]


Introduction to phase-contrast

Unstained and therefore transparent preparations that do not absorb light are called «phase samples», as they slightly alter the light that passes through them. Usually, the phase-contrast delays 1/4 wavelength with respect to direct light and without deviation, which passes through a stained sample. Unfortunately, the eyes, like the sensors of the cameras, are not […]


Index of Live Blood Cell in Darkfield and Phase-contrast Microscopy Course

LIVE BLOOD CELL IN DARKFIELD AND PHASE-CONTRAST MICROSCOPY  Subject index Presentation of the course  Live Blood Microscopy The blood: vital fluid  The blood. Its features Value and significance of pH The blood elements Cellular part  Erythrocytes Leukocytes Thrombocytes Plasma part Darkfield microscope. Definition. How to operate it. How to operate a darkfield microscope What you […]


Wellcome The Blood Cell in Darkfield and Phase-contrast Microscopy Course

We are pleased to announce the presentation for English speaking medical professionals and people interested the possibility of acquiring the Live Blood Cell in Darkfield and Phase-contrast Microscopy Course. Since the acquisition of microscopes by therapists has been much more affordable from middle of the last century to the present, and along with research of […]